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Organizing Committee
& Session Chairs

Organizing Co-Chairs: 

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Masad Damha, PhD

McGill University

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Mano Manoharan, PhD

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

Organizing Committee & Session Chairs:


Steve Dowdy, PhD

UCSD School of Medicine

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Piet Herdewyn, PhD

KULeuven, Belgium


Victor E. Marquez PhD

Chemical Biology Lab, NCI, NIH

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Suzanne Peyrottes, PhD

University of Montpellier

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Katherine Seley-Radtke, PhD

University of Maryland,

Baltimore County

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Laura Sepp-Lorenzino, PhD

Intellia Therapeutics

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Yitzhak Tor, PhD


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Jean-Jacques Vasseur, PhD

University of Montpellier

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