& Presentations
Abstract Submissions Are Closed
Presentation Preparation Instructions:
Click here for instructions on how to prepare your presentation.
All presentations need to be pre-recorded and submitted in advance of the symposium.
Pre-recorded poster presentations must be completed and submitted into the portal by August 22, 2021.
All talks (invited and student/postdoc talks) must be submitted by August 10, 2021.
Specific instructions on how to upload/submit your recorded presentation(s) have been emailed to presenters. If you did not get this email, please contact us.
Questions? Contact us at info@is3na.org
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
Presenting authors MUST register for the meeting prior to submitting an abstract
A link to the submission portal will be emailed to you after completing your meeting registration
All abstracts must be submitted via the online portal
Student/Postdoc Talks and Poster abstracts should be limited to 400 words or less
The online submission portal will save your work as you go if you are unable to complete your submission at one time

Posters support the mission of the IS3NA by creating a forum that fosters the exchange of information and ideas among experts from different areas of research. Posters at the symposium will be presented virtually via short, narrated video presentations. The recorded poster presentations will be available for on demand viewing.
The deadline to submit for Posters has passed
Poster Presentations due August 22
No traditional posters; 3-5 minute pre-recorded presentations (max 5 min)
Preparation and upload instructions will be sent upon acceptance of abstract
Questions? Contact us at info@is3na.org

Student/Postdoc Short Talks:
Short talks compliment the schedule of invited speakers for the symposium agenda and are selected from current graduate student and postdocs. These talks will be pre-recorded and presented during the live session with Q&A at the symposium.
The deadline to submit for Student/Postdoc Short Talks has passed
Eligibility is limited to the first 5 years after receiving a PhD or MD degree
Notifications for talk selections will be sent via email by late July
If you aren't selected for a talk, then you will be offered a poster; you do not need to submit a separate poster submission.
Questions? Contact us at info@is3na.org